Tate Modern
For the first time in like, ever, I suggested we go to a museum today. So the Tate Modern it was! It was actually pretty cool, and I found myself wandering around and pausing in front of artwork like someone who was interested, rather than sitting on benches and moping about.
Some of my favorite art:
The artist said the white blob is a horse, and I guessed dog, so I was very close. Closer than I've ever been when interpreting art, anyway.
Not sure what this is.
Loved this painting, but the glare makes it look weird here. Oh well.
Very captivating. he's not making a middle finger, don't worry. (Also sorry if this makes you uncomfy.)
The Tate offers great views of the city, too. That's the Millennium Bridge and St. Paul's Cathedral.
This is an interpretation of the woman's body. Never would've guessed that.
MONET. (Love this.)
Have you seen The Mentalist? This installment reminds me of Red John. It's not real blood, I don't think, though.
Princess Diaries-esque. Paint balloons shot at with a gun.
Not sure. Cool though.
T is for Tate? Or tooth? Tamarind? Topher Grace?
Another Picasso!
And of course, Mondrian.
And some of the few photographs in the museum!
By far the coolest bit was being able to see a genuine Monet, and more than one Picasso. (Also making gifs of people.) Piet Mondrian, my favorite artist, was featured many times as well! How'd you spend your Saturday?